LWML 40th Biennial Convention Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 22–25, 2023

Date: June 22–25, 2023
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Theme: Celebrate the Lord of the Nations
Scripture Verse: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man (Psalm 33:12–13).

Goal Statement: As His children, we celebrate the Lord of the nations.

Objectives: Convention attendees, understanding that we are all His children, will:

•  Celebrate our Lord through Word and Sacrament.
•  Honor God by serving our neighbors.
•  Proclaim His message to the nations. 



What an AWESOME Convention!!!  Over 3,000 LWML members and guests from all across the country and around the world gathered in Milwaukee, WI to "Celebrate the Lord of the Nations" 

There were 18 attendees from the Wyoming District, some traveled by plane, others by train, a couple by automobile and one by bus.  We joined together to sing, rejoice, laugh, and pray, be inspired, and awed by this gathering of Lutheran Women in Mission.  We connected with long time friends and made new ones always keeping in mind our mission statement:

"Joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions and equip women to honor God by Serving others."

LWML Convention Video Streaming Link

LWML Convention Video Timing Guide Link
(to help find specific presentations in Convention Video)

Convention Manual Link



The LWML Wyoming District Banner was designed and constructed by Sheila Phelps, Chimney Rock Zone. 

To see photos of all the beautiful LWML District banners:  Click HERE



More Information can be found @ https://www.lwml.org/2023-convention